Our 2022 Neighborhood Garden Tour was a great success!
This event is on hiatus, stay tuned for more information.
Thank you to all who participated in our 3rd annual garden tour on June 4 & 5. 600 visitors braved the ever-changing Oregon weather to explore the beautiful gardens in the Fairmount Hill Neighborhood. We are grateful to our 12 welcoming garden hosts, 19 generous sponsors, and 90 volunteers who all made this year’s tour a huge success!
If you were not able to make the tour, click here for a flip book of the brochure. Click on the right-facing arrow in the top right corner to move the pages ahead.
2022 garden tour sponsors!
Click on their names to learn more about their products and services.
Presenting Sponsor
The Garden Angels
Mighty Oak
Capitol Subaru
Elwood’s Tree Service
Honey Bucket
Jeremy Dumanovsky Roofing
Morgan Stanley – Sara K. Wallace
Mount Jefferson Farms
Pioneer Trust Bank
Best Oregon Tours
DeSantis Landscapes
Kraft Custom Construction
OnPoint Community Credit Union
Tropical Tax & Bookkeeping
Al’s Garden & Home
Art Department
C&R Remodeling
Capital Manor
Capital Financial Planners
Dancing Oaks
Godfrey Nursery
We appreciate the support from the South Central Association of Neighbors in bringing you this event.
A look at some of the gardens on the 2022 tour in Salem’s Fairmount Hill neighborhood.
Photos: Susan Napack, Karen Freeman, Suzie Torre Cross