Five Seasons film cover

Learn Ikebana

with Linda Nishioki

Embark on a captivating journey into the art of Ohara Ikebana with our exclusive four-class series hosted at the picturesque Gaiety Hollow. This unique series is designed to expose you to the beauty of Japanese floral design, offering a blend of tradition, creativity, and nature’s harmony. Each class promises an enriching experience where you’ll explore the fundamental principles of Ohara Ikebana, honing your skills under the guidance of the certified instructor, Linda Nishioka. Sign up for a floral adventure that celebrates the beauty of nature through the artistry of Ohara Ikebana at the serene setting of Gaiety Hollow the home and studio of Elizabeth Lord and Edith Schryver.

Class size is limited to 6 people.

Saturdays  1-3pm

April 20, May 18, June 22, & July 27

at Gaiety Hollow
545 Mission Street S
Salem Oregon


The class fee includes the following:

·       Suiban (floral container)
·       Kenzan (floral frog)
·       Plant materials 

Each student should bring to class:

·       Garden scissors or small clippers
·       A small towel
·       A large container to transport your completed project home,; A 14” x 14” or larger box or plastic bin. If you prefer, use a small container to hold water and your plant materials. You can reassemble your ikebana arrangement at home.


Total Cost for the four-class series with provided materials $215

Or Call Linda at 503-510-7409

Linda Nishioka is a certified Ikebana instructor. She is VP of the Oregon Chapter of the Ohara School, an Ikebana International member and a member of the North American Ohara Teachers Association.